Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Miss Karen's Newsletter January 22-25, 2013

Dear Families,
I can not believe that we are almost halfway through the year.  The kids are really learning a lot.  If you have any magazines that you are no longer using, we can use them for different classroom activities.  This week we will be practicing a lock down procedure in the event of that type of situation.

Our word this week is have and the letter is C.  The home-school connection is due on Friday.

We will learn about 2-D and 3-D geometric shapes.  We are learning to add numbers up to 5.

Social Studies
The kids have learned a lot about Dr. Martin Luther King.  Ask them what they know.

Reminders: There is no school on Monday, 1/28/13.  This is a work day for teachers.  I will be working on report cards.

Have a good week,
Miss Karen