Monday, May 5, 2014

Miss Karen's Newsletter May 5-9, 2014

Dear Families,
I want to thank all of you for getting your field trip permission slips and money to me so quickly.  If you signed up to be a chaperone, I will send you a slip this week stating that everything is set to go, or that we are still waiting for approval.

Volunteer Appreciation Week
I want to thank all of you for the time you give the students and me.  You are all awesome!  YOur time is the best gift you can give.  Thanks ever so much.

I am sending May's homework and reading log and this week's home-school connection.

Last week we had Ms. Flinn and Mr. Rinse in for our second session of five sessions.  Their focus is on drama and incorporating it into learning.  Last week we learned how to make numbers with our bodies and retold a story by acting out the parts.  The kids had a great time!

Spring Clothes/Shoes
This is a reminder to put your child's name inside spring jackets.  It makes it easier to return your child's coat if they leave it outside.  Also, students are not to wear flip-flops to school. They loose them when running or jumping and sprain their ankles.  Sandals, crocs or tennis schoes are recommended.  Also, girls are not to wear halter tops to school.  Tank tops are okay to wear.

This week's reading theme is What's in My Garden.  We are working on the words little, said, here, was and letters U and K.

We will be focusing on story problems, addition and subtraction.  We will also be learning the names of 3-D shapes.

Reminders: Tuesday, May 13  Zoo Field Trip  Be at school by 9:15, the bus will leave at 9:30
                  No school on Thursday May 22, Friday May 23 and Monday May 26
                  Friday, May 30 is the Learning Celebration

Have a great week,