Monday, April 21, 2014

Miss Karen's Newsletter April 21 - 24, 2014

Dear Families,
I am sending home the permission slips for the field trip.  I need both pages filled out and returned to me by Thursday, April 24.  If the cost of the field trip is an issue, just let me know and we can make arrangements to cover the cost.  Also, chaperones can ride the bus.  I arranged to get two buses.

Spring Clothes/Shoes
This is a reminder to put your child's name inside spring jackets.  It makes it easier to return your child's coat if they leave it outside.  Also, students are not to wear flip-flops to school.  They lose them when running or jumping or sprain their ankles.  Sandals, crocs or tennis shoes are recommended.  Also, girls are not to wear halter tops to school.  Tank tops are okay to wear.

For the next three weeks we will be learning about plants.  We planted plants on Friday, we looked at the garden and the playground to see where plants grow and we painted a carrot picture.  This is always a fun unit for the kids.  During this unit the kids will need to learn these words: little, said, here, was and these two letters: k and u.

We will be focusing on story problems, addition and subtraction.  We will also be learning the names of 3-D shapes.


Friday, April 25 No School - Teachers' work day
Tuesday, May 13 Zoo Field Trip

Have a great week,
